SymfonyCon Warsaw: Symfony2 Content Management in 40 minutes

Conference: SymfonyCon Warsaw, 12-13.12.2013
Title: Symfony2 Content Management in 40 minutes
Links: Slides,

The Symfony Content Management Framework provides a set of bundles to quickly add content management to your Symfony2 projects. It provides common features like editable menus, route and content. The CMF 1.0 has been released in september, ready to be used productive. I will show you how to start using the CMF in a project and also show advanced features like the transparent multilanguage handling.

The tutorial is available as a series of pull requests on a tutorial repository:

symfony cmf conference

PHP Content Repository: Porting a Java standard to PHP

Conference: Codemotion Madrid, 18-19.10.2013
Title: PHP Content Repository: Porting a Java standard to PHP
Links: Slides

PHPCR is an API for hierarchical data, handling both structured and unstructured content. It provides APIs for permission management, versioning, locking, search with an SQL-like syntax and so on. Several major frameworks and CMS (Typo3, Drupal, Symfony2, Midgard, Nooku und eZ publish) support PHPCR or are in discussion whether to use it as common standard for storing their data.

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phpcr conference

Abstracting HTTP Clients in PHP - article in PHP Architect magazine

Publication: Web & PHP magazine
Title: The PHP Content Repository
Abstract: PHPCR provides a rich API to store, retrieve and manipulate content along with its metadata. The content repository provides a higher level abstraction than a classical database, focusing on the problem domain of Content Management. PHPCR is a port of the Java Content Repository specification JCR to PHP and will be part of the next release of the JCR standard.

architecture article phpcr

PHPCR and Magnolia CMS: Bridging the PHP and Java Worlds


Back a few years ago when I started the PHP content repository PHPCR and the Jackalope project, one of the goals was to integrate between PHP applications and Java Content Management Systems. Last year we did a hackday with gregory from Magnolia CMS where we integrated PHP Jackalope with the Java MagnoliaCMS. On 28 Feb 2013, I will present the topic as a MagnoliaCMS webinar entitled "Connect PHP Applications with Magnolia CMS through PHPCR".

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phpcr jackalope

SunshinePHP Miami: Step By Step: Making a Website Fly with Assetic, Varnish and ESI

Conference: SunshinePHP Miami, 8-9.2.2013
Title: Step By Step: Making a Website Fly with Assetic, Varnish and ESI
Links: Slides,

Starting with a demo web site that is not optimized, I will demonstrate step by step how the user experience can be improved. I will show how to improve javascript and css loading and how to use the caching proxy Varnish with Edge Side Includes (ESI) to cache personalized pages.

symfony varnish assetic conference

SunshinePHP Miami: Symfony2 Intro

Conference: SunshinePHP Miami, 8-9.2.2013
Title: Symfony2 Intro
Links: Slides,

Symfony2 is a powerful and very flexible framework to build web applications. It is built on top of PHP 5.3. This session is for people who don’t know Symfony2 yet. It will be a tutorial style talk with lots of demos where i walk you through the first steps of using Symfony2 and introduce you to its most important components.

symfony conference