Symfony UserGroup ZH: Varnish caching with Symfony2

Venue: Symfony UserGroup Zurich, 14.5.2014
Title: Varnish caching with Symfony2
Links: Slides, Meetup

With the Varnish caching proxy you can make slow websites blazingly fast. The basics are quite simple once you understand how the cache handling in HTTP works. For starters, we will look into HTTP and the varnish configuration. The main course is going to be cache invalidation and the cache tagging strategy. For desserts, there will be an introduction to edge side includes (ESI). All liberally sprinkled with examples from the FOSHttpCacheBundle for Symfony2.

symfony varnish conference

Open PHP stack trace links in PhpStorm

Inspired by a tweet from Wouter, i wanted to configure my setup to open stacktrace links directly in PhpStorm. Turned out there was more involved than i thought at first. Documentation is sparse and confusing, so i want to record the steps i needed here. Basically you need to configure xdebug.file_link_format and make your system handle a new protocol. Its less complicated than it sounds:

Configure XDebug

Just configure the xdebug extension in your php.ini to set
xdebug.file_link_format = pstorm://%f:%l

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tools phpstorm php

PHPBenelux Conference 2014: Getting started with content management in Symfony2 - 3 hour workshop

Conference: PHPBenelux Conference 2014, 24-25.1.2014
Title: Getting started with content management in Symfony2
Links: Tutorial Code,

he Content Management Framework (CMF) is a set of building blocks for content management in Symfony2. You can use just parts of it to add some content management to your Symfony2 project, or use the whole stack to build customized CMS applications for specific needs.

In this workshop, we do a tour through the CMF. We will look at the existing functionality and I will do live-coding to implement additional features. This will get you a feel for how things work.

I will cover at least the following subjects:

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symfony cmf conference

Symfony Community Awards

During the SymfonyCon in Warsaw, Poland, there was also the first Symfony award ceremony. I was deemed worthy to get the community award for the "Best Bundle of the year". It is a great thing to hear that other people appreciate what you do, so this makes me really happy.

Whats more, the Symfony Content Management Framework also got an award for being the best Symfony Open-Source application of 2013.

Congratulations to all the award winners! And thanks to all the others who do great efforts on Symfony that did not get an award this time - keep it going!

symfony cmf

SymfonyCon Warsaw: Symfony2 Content Management in 40 minutes

Conference: SymfonyCon Warsaw, 12-13.12.2013
Title: Symfony2 Content Management in 40 minutes
Links: Slides,

The Symfony Content Management Framework provides a set of bundles to quickly add content management to your Symfony2 projects. It provides common features like editable menus, route and content. The CMF 1.0 has been released in september, ready to be used productive. I will show you how to start using the CMF in a project and also show advanced features like the transparent multilanguage handling.

The tutorial is available as a series of pull requests on a tutorial repository:

symfony cmf conference

PHP Content Repository: Porting a Java standard to PHP

Conference: Codemotion Madrid, 18-19.10.2013
Title: PHP Content Repository: Porting a Java standard to PHP
Links: Slides

PHPCR is an API for hierarchical data, handling both structured and unstructured content. It provides APIs for permission management, versioning, locking, search with an SQL-like syntax and so on. Several major frameworks and CMS (Typo3, Drupal, Symfony2, Midgard, Nooku und eZ publish) support PHPCR or are in discussion whether to use it as common standard for storing their data.

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phpcr <conference></conference>

PHPCR and Magnolia CMS: Bridging the PHP and Java Worlds


Back a few years ago when I started the PHP content repository PHPCR and the Jackalope project, one of the goals was to integrate between PHP applications and Java Content Management Systems. Last year we did a hackday with gregory from Magnolia CMS where we integrated PHP Jackalope with the Java MagnoliaCMS. On 28 Feb 2013, I will present the topic as a MagnoliaCMS webinar entitled "Connect PHP Applications with Magnolia CMS through PHPCR".

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phpcr jackalope