PHP Tour Nantes: Symfony Content Management Framework

Conference: PHP Tour Nantes, 29-30.11.2012
Title: Symfony Content Management Framework
Links: Slides,

Je vais présenter le Content Management Framework (CMF). C'est une collection des composants afin de faire la gestion de contenu dans les projéts symfony: Doctrine content repository avec traduction et versions, routing avec des données de la bd, système menu et construction des pages. Une idée général de Symfony va vous aider à mieux comprendre cette conférence.

french symfony phpcr cmf conference

Conference Activity

I love to go to conferences and talk about interesting subjects. This list collects references to talks I gave at conferences. Most of my talks along with slide links are listed on (also check there in case the list here seems to be outdated).

Semantic web meets frontend-awesomeness

I repost some of my blog posts made @ liip. Please see here for the original post and comments:

Frontend editing is a hot topic at the moment. With the HTML5 content-editable, there is no longer any excuse to reload a page in edit mode and render forms on server side. And even less to use the iframe mess of traditional WYSIWYG editors. One excellent frontend editing project is create.js. Its main strength is to use RDF annotations in HTML (RDFa) to explain the semantic structure of your content. Then you load create.js and tell it what editors to use for your entities. Storage happens based on backbone.js, the server backend is easy to implement.

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symfony javascript create.js cmf

Webmardi Fribourg: Introduction to Symfony2

Conference: Webmardi Fribourg, 3.7.2012
Title: Symfony2 - Powerful and flexible web application framework in state of the art PHP
Links: Slides

Symfony2 introduction. Followed by a Liip techtalk a week later aimed at people knowing Symfony2 a bit, focussing on using the various Symfony2 components standalone.

symfony php conference

Symfony Live Paris 2012: Agile and Symfony

Conference: Symfony Live Paris 2012
Title: Agile and Symfony
Links: Slides,

In this talk I share our experiences at Liip with agile development in Symfony2. I focus on technical aspects of agility that will be helpful whether you use Scrum, Kanban or some other agile process. Agility is not limited to program code, there are also ways to handle data model changes. I will talk about our take on unit and functional tests with the WebTestCase, about the Doctrine Migrations project and automated deployment.

Additionally, I did a lightning talk about Symfony CMF dynamic routing during this conference.

php symfony agile conference

phpDay Italy 2012: Step By Step: Making a website fly with Assetic, Varnish and ESI

Conference: phpDay Italy 2012
Title: Step By Step: Making a website fly with Assetic, Varnish and ESI
Links: Slides,

Starting with a demo web site that is not optimized, i will demonstrate step by step how the user experience can be improved. Improving the speed the end user experiences in his browser is more than writing efficient code. The goal is to reduce the time between the initial request and the moment the browser actually shows something. I will show how to improve javascript and css loading and how to use the caching proxy Varnish. With Edge Side Includes (ESI) it can even cache partly personalized pages.

symfony php performance conference

One Konferenz Zürich: Web-Massenware der Zukunft

My first talk in swiss german ever - on popular request :-)

Conference: One Konferenz Zürich, 9.5.2012
Title: Web-Massenware der Zukunft die heute schon eingesetzt werden kann (together with Gerhard Andrey and Christian Stocker)
Links: Slides

I presented the PHP content repository as one of the things that should become available more and more easily in the future.

german php conference

PHP talking to Magnolia CMS

I repost some of my blog posts made @ liip. Please see here for the original post and comments:

Since we started working on Jackalope, we always claimed it would also provide an integration point with other enterprise systems. Last week, we set out to proof this idea. Grégory Joseph of the Java based Magnolia CMS came to help us on the Magnolia side of things. Magnolia is using the JCR reference implementation Jackrabbit for storing its content. After an interesting exchange on their design decisions and our ideas, we started to hack.

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symfony cmf phpcr