PHP Content Repository: Full implementation in sight
3.12.2010I repost some of my blog posts made @ liip. Please see here for the original post and comments:
Recently, I put a finishing cleanup on the PHPCR API, the port of the Java Content Repositry API (JCR) to PHP. PHPCR is implemented by Jackalope, which got a whole team at Liip working at it to fix the failing tests and fill in missing bits.
You might have heard that we started to port the Java Content Repository (JCR) standard to PHP. If not, read the Jackalope post from last year.
Drupal Context and Zen Theme
30.10.2010Ars Electronica 2010
14.9.2010Eringer Kuhkampf
24.8.2010Der Home Computer 2004 - RAND 1954
11.6.2010Feedback Blocks: Interactive Video Installation made with processing
19.4.2010Jö, die Bären
22.3.2010Letztes Jahr wurde endlich der Berner Bärengraben aufgehoben und den Bären ein - für Zoo-Verhältnisse - anständiges Gehege gebaut. Die Bären haben sich mit Jungen bedankt, die nun die Leute scharenweise an die Aare locken. Ausserdem waren wir im Tierpark Dählhölzli bei den Steinböcken. Ein paar Photos.
Der neue Trend: e-recycling (powered by
22.3.2010Mediawiki Extensions
12.3.2010A while ago, i wrote some extensions for the MediaWiki software. The extensions evolve around the fascinating Semantic MediaWiki extension. ShowIncomingRelations adds backlinks for semantic information. CreateVirtualPages creates pages that are referenced by semantic information, but do not yet exist - to show backlinks. The most complex extension got the name SemanticAnnotations and allows to Annotate other subjects from within a page.