PostgreSQL and MySQL can do JSON too


Conference: Drupal Mountain Camp, Davos, Switzerland
Title: PostgreSQL and MySQL can do JSON too
Links: slides
Examples and performance measurements: postgres / MySQL

You don't need a NoSQL database to work with JSON

Postgres and MySQL have powerful capabilities to work with JSON. This allows you to combine the flexibility of less structured data with the proven reliability of those popular relational databases. I will show how to leverage the various JSON functions to work with JSON data inside a relational database.

Visit the git repository for example code and performance test data and see the changes needed for MySQL.

database postgres mysql json conference

Maxing out the ESP8266 pins


In a recent project, I maxed out on available pins of the ESP 8266 (Wemos/Lolin D1 mini). A few pins did not work as input pins for me. In the end, I had to resort to the analog pin for the last input.

For future me and anyone who cares, I note here which pins I was able to use. (I use the Wemos D1 mini names - other packaging of the ESP chip might use different names, but also might has different behaviour.)

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electronic art arduino ws2801

Ich habe ein (kleines) Haus gebaut


Letzten Herbst besuchte ich mit meinem Göttibueb die Modellbaumesse in Friedrichshafen. Er war vor allem an den Modelleisenbahnen interessiert, was mir recht ist, war ich doch als Kind und Teenager auch grosser Modelleisenbahn Fan. Auf dem Heimweg sagte er mir, dass er sich als Geburtstagsgeschenk ein Haus aus dem 3D Drucker für seine Eisenbahn wünscht. Das Thema hat mich gereizt, und so begann diese Story...

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electronic art interactive art arduino 3d printing ws2801

Can Postgres cover your NoSQL needs?


Conference: Software Talks, St.Gallen, Switzerland
Title: Can Postgres cover your NoSQL needs?
Links: slides, examples and performance measurements

Postgres is famous for its support for SQL data. However, Postgres also has powerful capabilities to work with JSON. I will show how to leverage the various JSON functions of modern Postgres to work with your less structured data. I will also show how to use some of that functionality from within Doctrine.

Visit the git repository for example code and performance test data. I also wrote blog post about the topic on my employers web site: JSON in Postgres and Doctrine ORM support for JSON.

database postgres json Doctrine conference

Can Postgres cover your NoSQL needs?


Conference: Symfony Con Vienna, Austria
Title: Can Postgres cover your NoSQL needs?
Links: slides, examples and performance measurements

Postgres is famous for its support for SQL data. However, Postgres also has powerful capabilities to work with JSON. I will show how to leverage the various JSON functions of modern Postgres to work with your less structured data. I will also show how to use some of that functionality from within Doctrine.

Visit the git repository for example code and performance test data.

database postgres json Doctrine conference

HTTP Caching with Varnish


Conference: Drupal Mountain Camp, Davos, Switzerland
Title: HTTP Caching with Varnish
Links: slides

Get an introduction to caching "on the edge".

With the Varnish caching proxy, you can greatly increase the speed of websites and handle a lot more load. The basics are quite simple once you understand how the cache handling in HTTP works, so we will look into that first. We then go over cache invalidation, cache tagging strategies and have a look at Edge Side Includes (ESI).

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varnish http caching conference

Decoupling an application with Symfony Messenger


Conference: Confoo 2024, Montreal, Canada
Title: Decoupling an application with Symfony Messenger
Links: slides

Quick response times are crucial. Time consuming tasks triggered in web requests should be executed asynchronously, if at all possible. In this talk I will give a short overview of what message queues are and then show a case study how we split up an application into smaller services and how we use message queues to coordinate the services.

php conference architecture message queues libraries web

Going crazy with caching: Caching pages of logged in users


Conference: Confoo 2024, Montreal, Canada
Title: Going crazy with caching: Caching pages of logged in users
Links: slides

You know how HTTP caching works but need more? In this talk we look into ways to cache personalized content. We will look at Edge Side Includes (ESI) to tailor caching rules of fragments, and at the user context concept to differentiate cache entries by permission groups instead of by individual users. The FOSHttpCache library in combination with either Varnish or the Symfony HttpCache reverse proxy are a big help to leverage the user context concept.

caching http performance varnish conference