PostgreSQL and MySQL can do JSON too

Drupal Mountain Camp, Davos, Switzerland - 12. March 2025

© David Buchmann

David Buchmann -

PHP Engineer, Liip AG, Switzerland

Why store JSON in a relational database?


Repository at
and for MySQL

SQL JSON syntax

Define column as JSON

CREATE TABLE auction_jsonb (
    title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    current_price INT DEFAULT NULL,
    item JSONB NOT NULL,

JSON vs JSONB (Postgres only)

JSON: Untyped, stored raw JSONB: Stored structured
  • Preserve whitespace
  • Preserve object key order
  • Can handle invalid JSON, preserve duplicate keys
  • Parsed JSON
  • Faster for querying

=> Use JSONB unless you rely on non-standard behaviour.

Read values

Result Postgres MySQL
'"David"' item->'author' item->'$.author'
'David' item->>'author' item->>'$.author'

Postgres: ->> is 2.5 times faster
MySQL: Query with -> need to CAST('"David"' AS JSON)

JSON data or value?

The JSON information
Extract primitive type

Filtering on JSON data

FROM auction_jsonb
WHERE item->>'author' = 'David';
# WHERE item->>'$.author' = 'David';
Rows json jsonb MySQL
10k 136 31 21
100k 319 46 148
1M 1'280 157 1'225
10M 15'505 2'768 11'758

Query time in milliseconds

Let's add an index

CREATE INDEX json_author
ON auction_json_indexed ((item->>'author'));
# ON auction_idx ((CAST(item->>'$.author' AS CHAR(255)));
Rows json json indexed jsonb jsonb indexed mysql mysql indexed
10k 136 25 31 20 21 9
100k 319 12 46 13 148 15
1M 1'280 3 157 3 1225 146
10M 15'505 7 2'768 6 11'758 1'276

Query time in milliseconds

# mysql needs to be queried with cast to use index
CAST(item->>'$.author' AS CHAR(255)) = ...

We can also extract a column

CREATE TABLE auction_generated_fields (
    author VARCHAR(255) generated always
        as (item->>'author') stored,
        # as (item->>'$.author') stored,
Rows jsonb indexed gen gen indexed mysql gen mysql gen indexed
10k 20 21 18 15 11
100k 13 30 10 55 8
1M 3 88 3 741 20
10M 6 786 4 7'097 21

Query time in milliseconds

Complex search in JSON


Use Postgres MySQL
Contains item @> '{"author": "David"}' JSON_CONTAINS(item, '{"author": "David"}')
Path Exists item ? 'author
jsonb_exists(item, 'author')
JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(item, 'one', '$.author')
Any key item ?| array['author','foo']
jsonb_exists_any(item, array[...]
JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(item, 'one', 'a..', 'f..')
All keys item ?& array['author','title']
jsonb_exists_all(item, array[...]
JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(item, 'all', 'a..', 'f..')

JSON object contains object

CREATE INDEX auction_json_gin_idx
ON auction_jsonb_gin USING GIN (item);

FROM auction_jsonb_gin
WHERE item @> '{"author": "David"}';
Rows ->> indexed @> no index @> with index @> with GIN MySQL
10k 20 5 5 5 29
100k 13 20 19 5 117
1M 3 144 149 13 1'478
10M 6 1'239 1'235 76 13'866

Query time in milliseconds

Postgres: Generalized Inverted Index (GIN)

Speed up arbitrary JSON contains queries, but not other queries

No equivalent in MySQL

Side note: value distribution

Data distribution of the indexed column makes a huge difference for Postgres

Variants json json idx jsonb jsonb idx GIN >> GIN @ gen gen idx
10 12'372 784 1'895 676 1'882 1'364 1'030 44
1'000 12'424 6 1'583 6 1'260 58 931 3
100'000 13'197 3 1'710 3 1'501 5 838 3

Response times in milliseconds, table with 10 million rows

Insert Performance

Jsonb, indexes and generated fields do not come for free

Rows json idx jsonb idx GIN gen idx MySQL MySQL idx MySQL gen idx
10k 90 120 130 143 240 330 480
100k 740 990 2'110 1'000 1'600 2'610 2'840
1M 8'500 11'340 24'000 11'773 15'410 27'110 28'650
10M 96'000 115'000 256'000 116'000 216'480 275'060 297'660

Inserting dummy rows, duration in milliseconds

The impact of data size

Update JSON

Partial Update: Postgres

Manipulate JSON instead of replacing it completely

-- update, ignore if not exists
jsonb_set(item, '{author}', '"value"', false)

-- update or create
jsonb_set(item, '{author}', 'value', true)

-- create, ignore if already exists
jsonb_insert(item, '{author}', 'value')
-- optional insert_after flag to append elements into array

Postgres is replacing the whole JSON, query is not faster

Partial Update: MySQL

Manipulate JSON instead of replacing it completely

-- update, ignore if not exists
JSON_REPLACE(item, '$.author', '"value"')

-- update or create
JSON_SET(item, '$.author', '"value"')

-- create, ignore if already exists
JSON_INSERT(item, '$.author', '"value"')

MySQL doc claims engine can optimize to not rebuild whole JSON object, but I was not able to observe velocity difference

Delete fields in JSON

-- delete attribute
item - 'key'

-- delete attribute alternate
jsonb_set_lax(item, '{author}', null, true, 'delete_key')

-- delete multiple
item - array['key1', 'key2']

-- delete in MySQL (takes any number of path parameters)
JSON_REMOVE(item, '$.author', '$.other')

Versatile set_jsonb_lax (Postgres only)

raise_exceptionFail if value is null
use_json_nullSet JSON field to null (default)
delete_keyDelete the key on null value
return_targetLeave previous value when new is null
set_jsonb_lax(item, '{author}', null, true, 'return_target');

JSON schema validation

Some other constructs

Postgres MySQL Use
|| JSON_MERGE_PATCH() concat array / merge objects
jsonb_build_object() JSON_OBJECT() Alternate key and value
jsonb(...) CAST('...' as JSON) Parse from string
jsonb_serialize() JSON_PRETTY or CAST JSON to string
jsonb_each Not supported Expand top-level object key-value into rows



Thank you!


David Buchmann, Liip AG



FROM jsonb_each
((SELECT item FROM auction_jsonb WHERE id=1));

Postgres has (too many) similar options

No sharing of indexes.
=> Decide which construct you use