Symfony2 controller as a service and the service_container

NOTE from 1.5 years later: This is not best practice. If you want a testable controller or write a reusable bundle, you should take the effort to inject the services you actually need, instead of extending the symfony base controller. For rapid development however, i would still recommend this as the base controller methods are very convenient.

I often want to have my controllers be a service so you can inject some information. But at the same time i like to extend the base controller Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller to have the convenience methods like $this->render. Now if you just create a service from your controller, you won't be able to use the methods anymore. You will get exceptions about calling get() on a non-object.

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A frontend editor for Symfony2 CMF with the help of VIE


I repost some of my blog posts made @ liip. Please see here for the original post and comments:

Yesterday we started working on an editor for the Symfony2 Content Management Editor, the LiipVieBundle. We use VIE and - until something non-GPL comes along - the Aloha editor. VIE is a piece of javascript on top of backbone.js that handles storing data with a REST backend. In Symfony2, this is a breeze thanks to the FOSRestBundle. Sounds complicated? Its actually quite simple, at least for the user. I made a short video to show how it looks.

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symfony php cmf

Jackalope progress


I repost some of my blog posts made @ liip. Please see here for the original post and comments:

At Liip, employees can propose open source projects they want Liip to support. Together with Daniel Barsotti, I did this for the PHP Content Repository implementation Jackalope and Liip was so nice as to grant us a couple of man-weeks to implement stuff for Jackalope. Now that we used up the allocated budget, its time for a progress report what Jackalope can now do.

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phpcr php content repository

Symfony CMF Camp Italy wrap-up


I repost some of my blog posts made @ liip. Please see here for the original post and comments:

Last week, Lukas and me went to Italy to join the CMF Camp. Thanks a lot Ideato for hosting and organizing the event! Apart from meeting friendly people from Italy and Germany, eating lots of pizza and other great italian food, we discussed the Symfony content management framework and did a lot of coding on the second day.

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symfony phpcr php content repository cmf

PHP content repository API tutorial


I repost some of my blog posts made @ liip. Please see here for the original post and comments:

Our PHP content repository (PHPCR) implementation "Jackalope" is steadily improving. Besides the Jackrabbit backend, there is now also a driver for SQL databases (powered by Doctrine DB abstraction layer) and first work at a MongoDB driver and one for Midgard 1. Midgard 2 will get its own PHPCR implementation not based on Jackalope, and Typo 3 may choose to come back to PHPCR as well. Now is about time to show how to use that API.

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phpcr php content repository

phpdoc compilers and the @inheritDoc


I repost some of my blog posts made @ liip. Please see here for the original post and comments:

In the PHP content repository, we have a set of interfaces and implementation classes of those interfaces. The interfaces define the standard and are extensively documented.

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testing php

Liip Workshop: Symfony2

A Liip internal workshop to learn Symfony2 for people with PHP experience but no prior knowledge of Symfony. This was a full-day workshop including a small demo project. (No slides available, sorry. But I would be happy to do another improved workshop if you are interested.).

symfony php