Confoo Montreal: HTTP Caching with Varnish

Conference: Confoo Montreal 2016, Canada
Title: HTTP Caching with Varnish
Links: Slides

With the Varnish caching proxy you can greatly increase the speed of websites and handle a lot more load. The basics are quite simple once you understand how the cache handling in HTTP works, so we will look into that first. Then I will go into advanced topics like cache tagging and cache invalidation or using edge side includes.

http varnish caching conference

Confoo Montreal: Beyond REST maturity levels: Real life, high-load REST APIs

Conference: Confoo Montreal 2016, Canada
Title: Beyond REST maturity levels: Real life, high-load REST APIs
Links: Slides

Implementing a REST API is not only about designing correct resource URLs. I will talk about the software and system engineering half it takes to build a data API. I will show concrete examples from a PHP project where we gather data from dozens of different services and systems and build a quickly accessible data index. The main technology stack is Symfony, Elasticsearch and Varnish.

symfony rest conference

Symfony routing under the hood

Conference: Symfony Con 2015, Paris, France
Title: Symfony routing under the hood
Links: Slides,

Routing is this thing about mapping URLs to controllers, right? But in fact, there is a lot going on. Understanding the routing process will enable you to write more flexible code and keep logic out of your controllers. In this talk, we will see how routing actually works and then look at extension points like ParamConverters, custom request listeners and have a look at the CMF dynamic router that loads routes from databases or other sources on the fly.

symfony routing conference

Guild42: Das Symfony Framework

Talk: Guild 42, Bern, Switzerland
Title: Das Symfony Framework
Links: Slides

Modernes PHP im Einsatz.

Symfony ist ein mächtiges und sehr flexibles PHP Framework zum Entwickeln von Web Applikationen. Die Grundarchitektur ist um das HTTP Request/Response Modell aufgebaut. Einzelne Symfony-Komponente können zudem separat in anderen PHP Anwendungen verwendet werden.
Auf den modularen Bibliotheken von Symfony bauen auch andere wichtige Frameworks auf, die bekanntesten sind Drupal (ab Version 8), ezPublish und Laravel.

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symfony german conference

Going crazy with caching: Caching pages of logged in users

Conference: Bulgaria PHP Conference 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
Title: Going crazy with caching: Caching pages of logged in users
Links: Slides,

You know how HTTP caching works but need more? In this talk we look into ways to cache personalized content. We will look at Edge Side Includes (ESI) to tailor caching rules of fragments, and at the user context concept to differentiate caches not by individual user but by permission groups. A big help to leverage this concept is the FOSHttpCache in combination with either Varnish or the Symfony HttpCache class.

caching varnish conference

Hands-on: HTTP caching with Varnish

Conference: Bulgaria PHP Conference 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
Title: Hands-on: HTTP caching with Varnish
Links: Slides,

For some scenarios, Varnish is the silver bullet to fix performance issues and go from slow site to lightning fast site. More often though, you will need to put some effort into your application to get good results. Ideally, you design your application to play well with caching from the outset. If you don't know what you are doing, Varnish can also be the bullet to shoot yourself in the foot.

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workshop varnish training caching conference

PHP Summercamp Rovinj: HTTP Caching with Varnish - Workshop

Conference: PHP Summer Camp 2015, Rovinj, Croatia
Title: HTTP caching with Varnish

For some scenarios, Varnish is the silver bullet to fix performance issues and go from slow site to lightning fast site. More often though, you will need to put some effort into your application to get good results. Ideally, you design your application to play well with caching from the outset. If you don't know what you are doing, Varnish can also be the bullet to shoot yourself in the foot.

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workshop varnish http caching conference

DPC Amsterdam: CMF and Varnish

I was in Amsterdam at DPC and did two workshops, one on the Symfony CMF and another on Http caching with Varnish. I also did a regular talk to introduce to Http caching. The Varnish workshop and talk I did together with David de Boer, who is co-authoring the FOSHttpCache and -Bundle with me.
Additionally, before the conference I went to Leeuwarden to present the CMF at a meetup of the PHP Friesland user group.

Conference: Dutch PHP Conference, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Workshop: CMF

Title: Symfony2 Content Management

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varnish tutorial cmf conference

Varnish and HTTPS with Apache

Today I wanted to run a website with HTTPS and Varnish. Varnish itself does not support SSL, and for good reasons. So the setup we need is HTTPS termination => Varnish => Webserver. So we need a software that can handle HTTPS and forward requests over HTTP to Varnish. A couple of options for HTTPS termination are HAProxy, Nginx, Squid or Apache. I went with Apache, as it was already installed on the server in question, thus reducing the complexity of the setup.

On Apache, you need to enable mod_proxy. The Apache SSL configuration looks like this:

<VirtualHost *:443>

ProxyPreserveHost On

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varnish staging https configuration apache