DPC Amsterdam: CMF and Varnish

I was in Amsterdam at DPC and did two workshops, one on the Symfony CMF and another on Http caching with Varnish. I also did a regular talk to introduce to Http caching. The Varnish workshop and talk I did together with David de Boer, who is co-authoring the FOSHttpCache and -Bundle with me.
Additionally, before the conference I went to Leeuwarden to present the CMF at a meetup of the PHP Friesland user group.

Conference: Dutch PHP Conference, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Workshop: CMF

Title: Symfony2 Content Management Links: Tutorial Repository, joind.in

Workshop: Http caching and Varnish

3 hours workshop together with David de Boer
Title: Hands-on Http caching with Varnish
Links: joind.in

Talk: Http caching with Varnish

Regular talk together with David de Boer
Title: Content Management with Symfony
Links: Slides, joind.in

varnish tutorial cmf conference