PHP Content Repository: Porting a Java standard to PHP

Conference: Codemotion Madrid, 18-19.10.2013
Title: PHP Content Repository: Porting a Java standard to PHP
Links: Slides

PHPCR is an API for hierarchical data, handling both structured and unstructured content. It provides APIs for permission management, versioning, locking, search with an SQL-like syntax and so on. Several major frameworks and CMS (Typo3, Drupal, Symfony2, Midgard, Nooku und eZ publish) support PHPCR or are in discussion whether to use it as common standard for storing their data.
PHPCR is a port of the Java standard JCR. PHCPR will be an official part of the upcoming JCR 2.1 standard. There are implementations that store content in relational databases based on doctrine DBAL, with the midgard2 content repository and with the JCR reference implementation jackrabbit.

phpcr conference