Beyond REST maturity levels:

Real life, high-load REST APIs

ConFoo, Montreal, Canada - February 24th, 2023

© David Buchmann

David Buchmann -

PHP Engineer, Liip SA, Switzerland

Richardson REST maturity model

  1. Remote function calls over HTTP
  2. Resources
  3. HTTP verbs
  4. Hypermedia Controls

REST maturity levels is a good way to think conceptually about APIs

As promised, this talk is not about the REST maturity concept, but about tools for building APIs

You've got a "situation"

Delivering Data

API: Symfony Application

API: Versioning

 * The description as HTML
 * @Serializer\Since("2")
public string $description;
Api-Version: 2
 * Plain text version of description.
 * @Serializer\Until("1")
 * @Serializer\VirtualProperty
 * @Serializer\SerializedName("description")
public function getDescPlaintext(): string
    return strip_tags($this->description);

Varnish Cache

Varnish Cache: Prerequisites

Varnish Cache: Access Control

Varnish Cache: Routing

Varnish Cache: To BAN or not to BAN

Varnish Cache: Increase Cache Hits

Get people to use your API


Zircote Swagger-PHP

class ProductController {
    path: "/procut/{id}",
    tags: ["Products"]
    response:"200", new OA\JsonContent(
      new OA\Schema(
 public function getAction($id)

Indexing Architecture




Symfony Workers and Commands

Data Quality

Monitoring and Diagnostics


Elasticsearch: Indexes

Elasticsearch: Schema Changes

Elasticsearch: Clustering


Beyond REST

Alternatives: Stateless, but...

Thank you!


David Buchmann, Liip SA