Decoupling an Application

With Symfony Messenger

SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris - November 18th, 2022

© David Buchmann

We built a data kraken

Product API
massive central index of product data

First approach

Encapsulate Logic

Extract the logic out of commands and controllers.

=> Refactored into Importer classes that can handle a single item at a time.

Decouple with message queue

Reaping the benefits

Messages within the application

e.g. Compile data into Elasticsearch

Flexible on the outside,
consistent on the inside

Any questions so far?


Did i hear «microservices»?

Une Bataille, ~1750, François-Joseph Casanova

Messaging != microservices

Symfony Messenger

Symfony Event System

... but decoupled

Symfony 6.3: External Events

Message System

Why Symfony Messenger?

The flow of Symfony Messenger

Send Message

Receiving Message


class UpdatePromotion
    public function __construct(
        public string $id
    ) {}

Bus and Middleware

private MessageBusInterface $bus;
$this->bus->dispatch(new UpdatePromotion($id));

Envelope and Stamps

$stamps[] = new DelayStamp(20);
    new UpdatePromotion($id),


class UpdatePromotionProcessor
    implements MessageHandlerInterface
  public function __invoke(
    UpdatePromotion $message
  ): void
    // business logic update promotion on product

Message Transport


Keep workers running


What is going on?

Thank you!


Middleware: Transaction ID

Middleware: Transaction ID

public function handle(Envelope $env, StackInterface $stack): Envelope {
  $stamp = $env->last(IdStamp::class);
  if (null === $stamp) {
    // sending message, set the transaction id
    $id = $this->transService->getId();
    $env = $env->with(new IdStamp($id));
  } else {
    // receiving message, record transaction id
  return $stack->next()->handle($env, $stack);

Transport Decorator: Message Priority

Transport Decorator: Message Priority

public function get(): iterable
 foreach ($this->wrappedTrans->get() as $env) {
   $stamp = $env->last(AmqpReceivedStamp::class);
   // error handling if stamp not found...

   $this->priority =

   yield $env;

Transport Decorator: Message Priority

private function send(Envelope $env): Envelope
  $stamp = $envelope->last(AmqpStamp::class);
  $attr = $stamp ? $stamp->getAttributes() : [];
  if (!array_key_exists('priority', $attr)) {
    $stamp = AmqpStamp::createWithAttributes(
      ['priority' => $this->getPriority()],
    $env = $env->with($stamp);

  return $this->wrappedTrans->send($env);

Transport Decorator: Deduplicate

Transport Decorator: Amqp Routing Key